Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Amid financial sector turmoil, combined HP-EDS solutions

As we witness unprecedented turmoil throughout the world’s financial trading centers, the question in IT circles is: How will this impact the providers of systems, software and services? Not all vendors will fare the same, and those that possess the solutions — and have the track record and experienced personnel in place — will be more likely to become part of the new high finance landscape, and the new public-private solutions.

The timing of Wall Street facing some of its darker days comes as HP and the newly acquired EDS unit are combining forces in unique ways. Between them, EDS and HP have been servicing the financial and government sectors for decades. Combined, HP and EDS are uniquely positioned to assist potentially massive transitions and unprecedented public-private interactions.

To learn more about how HP and EDS will newly align, especially amid financial sector turmoil, BriefingsDirect interviewed Maria Allen, vice president of Global Financial Services Industry solutions at EDS. The discussion took place Sept. 22, 2008 at the Oracle OpenWorld conference.

The Allen interview, moderated by your’s truly from San Francisco, comes as part of a series of discussions with IT executives I’ll be doing this week from the conference. See the full list of podcasts and interviews.

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