Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Amid financial sector turmoil, combined HP-EDS solutions

As we witness unprecedented turmoil throughout the world’s financial trading centers, the question in IT circles is: How will this impact the providers of systems, software and services? Not all vendors will fare the same, and those that possess the solutions — and have the track record and experienced personnel in place — will be more likely to become part of the new high finance landscape, and the new public-private solutions.

The timing of Wall Street facing some of its darker days comes as HP and the newly acquired EDS unit are combining forces in unique ways. Between them, EDS and HP have been servicing the financial and government sectors for decades. Combined, HP and EDS are uniquely positioned to assist potentially massive transitions and unprecedented public-private interactions.

To learn more about how HP and EDS will newly align, especially amid financial sector turmoil, BriefingsDirect interviewed Maria Allen, vice president of Global Financial Services Industry solutions at EDS. The discussion took place Sept. 22, 2008 at the Oracle OpenWorld conference.

The Allen interview, moderated by your’s truly from San Francisco, comes as part of a series of discussions with IT executives I’ll be doing this week from the conference. See the full list of podcasts and interviews.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Brett Paulson Joins Emerging Financial Technology Company

The former Chief Information Officer of The Clearing Corporation (previously The Board of Trade Clearing Corporation) in Chicago, Brett F. Paulson, has joined Avadhi Finance and Technology, Inc., an emerging leader in multi-asset trading platforms.
Avadhi founder, Paresh Malde, announced Monday, September 22, 2008, that Paulson was appointed CEO and a member of the Board of Directors. Malde remains company President, Board Chairman and will assume the role of Chief Operating Officer.
Paulson, a 30-year veteran in financial and technology service industries, led The Clearing Corporation to a historic restructuring of the capital and shareholder base. As President and Chief Operating Officer, Paulson helped orchestrate the convening of some of the world's largest members of the investment banking community in order to create innovative solutions aimed at the OTC clearing space as well as the exchange-traded derivatives marketplaces. Previously, Paulson held senior management roles at CS First Boston, IBM, Bank of America, Harris Bank and International Harvester. He holds an M.B.A. in Finance from DePaul University.
"Brett's industry leadership brings to Avadhi a significant moment in our rapid growth and expansion," said Malde of the privately held company, based in Okemos, Michigan. "His involvement and vision for the company is going to solidify Avadhi's position in the industry as a leading provider of trading solutions."
Avadhi Finance and Technology's trading platforms are found at some of the world's top brokerage firms.
Paulson said, "Avadhi has top-shelf products, a finely honed R&D, energetic personnel and an ambitious business agenda that I can enthusiastically embrace, adding my expertise, and ideally, accelerating its success. I am delighted to be joining such an innovative and talented performer in our industry."
Avadhi Finance and Technology is emerging as a leading provider of technology products and services to the global financial services industry. Its flagship product is a comprehensive multi-asset trading platform with innovative features that addresses the needs of the sophisticated investors in the era of the fully electronic marketplace.

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Friday, October 3, 2008

What bank or financial institution is right for you

For most families, choosing a banking institution can be a very involved process even in the best of economic times. But mix in the challenges of military life, tough economic conditions, and a lack of consumer trust in many different industries, and doing so can become a daunting challenge.

To help make the process easier, Pioneer Services has developed a free article for military families on how to comprehensively, effectively, and quickly choose a bank or credit union. Covering what fees to look for, convenience and service, the article also provides links to regulatory and ratings agencies for easy reference.

“Military families move around a lot, and even those who have used the same bank for years should make sure they get the best deal,” said Joe Freeman, Chief Operations Officer of Pioneer Services, the Military Banking Division of MidCountry Bank. “Add in that the banking industry is facing some tough challenges, and then trust also becomes a factor. We decided to provide our service members some easy-to-use information on what to look for when picking a financial institution, as well as give them resources so they can fully trust whichever one they choose.”

The free article, and more than 30 others on a variety of personal finance topics, can be read at PioneerServices.com. Publishers interested in re-printing this article—or any others—free of charge can contact media@pioneerservices.com.

Pioneer Services, the military banking division of MidCountry Bank, provides responsible financial services and education to members of the Armed Forces that enhance their quality of life and financial independence. For more than 20 years, Pioneer Services has been a leader in military lending. They offer the protection and security of a personal loan with the speed and flexibility service members need. Through a network of offices and on the Internet, Pioneer Services offers loans, financial education programs, and supports military families and communities through a variety of partnerships, programs, and sponsorships.